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    The Acoustic Field Excited by EMAT Magnetostrictive Effect Based on Spatial Distribution of Magnetic Filed
    DING Xiu-li, WU Xin-jun, ZHAO Kun-ming, WANG Yu-gang
    2015, 37(5): 1-6.
    In-Situ Inspection of Aircraft Honeycomb Structure by Laser Shearography
    YUAN Ying-min, CHEN Xin-bo
    2015, 37(5): 7-9.
    Development and Application of A Portable Infrared Thermal Wave Nondestructive Testing System
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    2015, 37(5): 10-12.
    Damage Monitoring for Full-Scale Aircraft Statics Test Based on Acoustic Emission
    HAN Hui, NING Ning, XIAO Ying-chun, LIU Guo-qiang, LI Ming
    2015, 37(5): 13-17.
    The Inquiry of Improving Quantitative Accuracy of Flaw Length in TOFD Technique Based on SAFT
    XIE Xue, ZHU Mei-li, JIN Shi-jie, YANG Hui-min, CUI Zhe, ZHANG Dong-hui, LIN Li, ZHANG Shu-xiao, LIU Li-li
    2015, 37(5): 18-21.
    Abstract PDF
    In-Situ Inspection of Large Metal Honeycomb Structure by Shearography
    ZHANG Yu-bei, SHEN Hong-hua, YANG Dang-gang, TANG Jia
    2015, 37(5): 22-24.
    Finite Element Simulation of Composite Material with Impact Damage Detection Based on Vibration Characteristic
    YANG Peng-fei, NING Ning, ZHAN Shao-zheng, HE Xiao
    2015, 37(5): 25-29.
    Revision of Ultrasonic TOFD Image of Stainless Steel Weld Based on WPT Decomposition
    WANG Li-ying, LIU Guo-qi, CHEN Zhen-hua, QIU Lin, MENG Gui-yun, LI Xin-lei
    2015, 37(5): 30-33.
    The MMM Characteristics of Weld Defects on Pressure Vessels
    CHEN Jian-fei, LI Ke-peng, LIU Hai-bo, WANG An-quan, ZHOU Xian-jun, XU Zhong-wen
    2015, 37(5): 34-37.
    Phased Array Ultrasonic C-Scan Imaging Testing of the Composite Materials
    FU Ru-long, CHEN Jian-hua, LIN Dan-yuan, ZHENG Wei-he, LIN Qi-mei
    2015, 37(5): 38-41.
    The Internal Rotary Inspection of the In-Service Tubular Heat Exchanger Corrosion
    CHENG Dong-yue
    2015, 37(5): 42-43.
    The Ultrasonic Testing of Near Surface Defects of Forgings
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    2015, 37(5): 44-45.
    Magnetic Memory Characteristics of the 15CrMoR Welding Cold Crack
    ZHANG Ying, LI Bin, ZHOU Jun-peng, ZHANG Sheng-yu, GAO Han
    2015, 37(5): 46-51.
    Assessment of Compressive Strength of Substation Concrete Column Based on RBF Neural Network
    XIONG Liang, ZHAO Jun-kai
    2015, 37(5): 52-54.
    Ultrasonic Creeping Wave Testing for Foil,Sheet and Plate
    ZHENG Kai-sheng, GONG Ya-lin, SUN Hai-xia, CHEN Jun-wei
    2015, 37(5): 55-59.
    The Ultrasonic Testing of Welded TKY Tubular Joints
    JIAN Tian-fu, PAN Wen-chao, LU Ming-hui, ZHENG Zhi-zhong
    2015, 37(5): 60-62.
    The Main Differences Between New and Old Edition of GB/T 11345
    JIN Yu-fei
    2015, 37(5): 63-67.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis on the GB/T 29712-2013 Standard
    DING Bing
    2015, 37(5): 68-74.
    Abstract PDF
    Research of a Vehicle-Mounted Portable Developing Machine
    ZHANG Pi-long
    2015, 37(5): 75-76.
    The Limitations of Penetration Testing of Aero Engine Parts
    WANG Ling
    2015, 37(5): 78-79.
    The Penetrate Testing of Nickel Copper Alloy Casting Parts
    ZHANG Xin-ju, ZHANG Huan, HU Xue-zhi, LU Chen-wei
    2015, 37(5): 81-82.