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    Enhancement of Eddy Current Testing Sizing Capability for Deep Cracks Using Multi-Exciting Coils
    ZUO Yong-Bin, CHEN Zhen-Mao
    2009, 31(12): 925-927.
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical Simulation on Damage Identification Using Vibration Signals for Lattice Truss Sandwich Plate
    TIAN Shu-Xia, CHEN Zhen-Mao
    2009, 31(12): 928-930.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of Lift-off to Thickness Inspection by Pulsed Eddy Current
    SHI Kun, LIN Shu-Qing, HE De-Feng, FAN Zhi-Yong, LI Hao, WU Xin
    2009, 31(12): 931-936.
    Abstract PDF
    Surface Fatigue Crack Detection of in Service Rotary Shaft by Creeping Wave
    ZHOU Chang-Zhi, LIN Jun-Ming, ZHOU Zheng-Gan
    2009, 31(12): 937-939.
    Abstract PDF
    Feature Extraction of Welding Defects Based on Metal Magnetic Memory
    WANG Jin, REN Ji-Lin, LUO Sheng-Cai, HU Zhi, ZHANG Lu-Gen, LIU Wei-Cheng
    2009, 31(12): 940-942.
    Abstract PDF
    Development and Application of Laser Imaging System for Leaky Testing of SF6
    ZHANG Hui, ZHANG Shu-Yi, LIE Jian-Ping, LIU Gui-Mei, CHEN Li, SHUI Xiu-Ji, ZHANG Zhong-Ning
    2009, 31(12): 943-945.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of Position of Ultrasonic Excitation Source on Thermosonic Image of Cracks
    ZHENG Jiang, ZHENG Kai, ZHANG Shu-Yi
    2009, 31(12): 946-949.
    Abstract PDF
    Large-Sized Vessel Detection Realized by Connecting AE Units
    DUAN Qing-Ru, MA Juan, ZHU Qin, CHEN Mou-Cai
    2009, 31(12): 950-952.
    Abstract PDF
    Application and Development of Risk Based Inspection Technology in China
    LIU Fu-Jun, KONG Shuai, HU Dong-Ming, GUO Xiao-Lian
    2009, 31(12): 953-958.
    Abstract PDF
    Development Status of NDT Technology for PWR NPP In-Service Inspection
    TAO Yu-Chun, LIANG Zhan-Xiang, LIN Zhong-Yuan, CHEN Huai-Dong, LIU Jin-Hong
    2009, 31(12): 959-966.
    Abstract PDF
    Introduction of ASME Ultrasonic Examination Standard for Welded Joints and its Comparison with the Chinese Standard JB 4730
    LI Yan
    2009, 31(12): 967-971.
    Abstract PDF
    Discussion and Analysis of the Testing Proportion of Standard GB 150—1998
    CUI Fang, LU Yu-Sheng
    2009, 31(12): 972-973.
    Abstract PDF
    Acousto-Ultrasonic Testing for Bond Quality in Solid Rocket Motor Structure
    AI Chun-An, LIU Yu, ZHAO Wen-Cai, NI Tao
    2009, 31(12): 974-976.
    Abstract PDF
    Inspection of Low Speed Impact Damage of CFRP with Pulsed and Lock-in Thermography
    FENG Li-Chun, TAO Ning, YANG Xiao-Lin
    2009, 31(12): 977-979.
    Abstract PDF
    The Ultrasonic Signal Processing and Analysis System Based on the VC++
    ZHANG Ya-Jing, LIN Li, CHEN Zhi-Qiang, LI Xi-Meng
    2009, 31(12): 980-983.
    Abstract PDF
    Detection of the Defect Size by Infrared Thermography
    YANG Ru-Yi, TIAN Yu-Peng, LIANG Bing
    2009, 31(12): 984-987.
    Abstract PDF
    Measurement of the Liquid Temperature in Metal Tube by Absolute Non-Contact Eddy Current Sensor
    DU Xiang-Yang, CHENG Wu-Shan, ZHANG Min-Liang, YU Qiu
    2009, 31(12): 988-989.
    Abstract PDF
    Nondestructive Testing for FRP Skin Paper Honeycomb Material
    LIU Wen-Xia, SEN Jing-Ling, LIU Ying-Tao, LI Yan-Hong, LI Xiao-Li
    2009, 31(12): 990-992.
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical Simulation to Sizing Surface-Breaking Cracks by Ultrasonic Surface Wave Spectral Method
    ZHANG Zai-Dong, LU Chao, WEI Yun-Fei
    2009, 31(12): 993-997.
    Abstract PDF
    Image Procession by Wavelet Transform for Weld Defect Tested by Radiographic Testing
    WANG Jia-Xu, LI Xiao-Guang, DING Bo-Yuan, BEI Ya-Yao, SONG Tao
    2009, 31(12): 998-1001.
    Abstract PDF
    Longitudinal Wave Oblique Incidence Probe to Detect High Pressure Seamless Tube
    DAI Ying, ZHOU Zhang-Ming
    2009, 31(12): 1002-1004.
    Abstract PDF
    TOFD Detection Technology in Thick-Walled Pipelines of Plant Boiler
    MU Yan-Chun, JIN Nan-Hui, WANG Qi-Bo
    2009, 31(12): 1005-1008.
    Abstract PDF
    Ultrasonic Surface Wave Testing of Roll Surface Defect in Hot Strip
    WANG Rui, XUN Jie, TIAN Ji-Xiang
    2009, 31(12): 1009-1010.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of Metal Magnetic Memory Testing Technique
    WANG Zheng-Dao, YAO Kai, DING Ke-Qin
    2009, 31(12): 1011-1014.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of Automatic Ultrasonic Inspection System Based on ARM Platform
    CHANG Qing-Long, XU Da-Zhuan, HAN Zhong-Bo
    2009, 31(12): 1015-1018.
    Abstract PDF