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    Experiment on the correlation between wave velocity and temperature in ultrasonic solid temperature measurement
    ZHANG Rui, SHI Youan, WEI Dong, ZHU Mucheng
    2021, 43(7): 1-4,12. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107001
    Abstract PDF
    Application of water magnetic suspension in winter outdoor magnetic particle testing
    ZHANG Wenze, ZHU Jiaxuan, XIE Zhigang, WANG Bo, XU Guoliang
    2021, 43(7): 5-7,20. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107002
    Abstract PDF
    Phased array ultrasonic detection technology of pipe cap weld based on CIVA simulation
    LIU Liliang, RAO Yaoping, DENG Jin, YANG Qi
    2021, 43(7): 8-12. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107003
    Abstract PDF
    Eddy current testing of steam turbine blade body
    ZHANG Huayu, WEI Xiaozhuang, ZHANG Xin, XIE Fengqin, ZHOU Yanlong
    2021, 43(7): 13-16,44. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107004
    Abstract PDF
    Identification of defects in ultrasonic inspection of heat transfer tubes of steam generators
    CAO Ping, JIANG Hua, CAI Zhigang, ZHANG Yanyan, ZHANG Jiejie
    2021, 43(7): 17-20. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107005
    Abstract PDF
    Defects recognition and quantitative characterization of ultrasonic reflection imaging invariable thickness composite structure
    XU Ying, ZHANG Dekui, HAO Wei, WANG Jue
    2021, 43(7): 21-26,30. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107006
    Abstract PDF
    Digital radiography testing of butt weld of small-diameter pipe in nuclear power
    WANG Dong, DAI Huaibei, LI Fuliang, GAO Jiezong
    2021, 43(7): 27-30. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107007
    Abstract PDF
    Intelligent fault identification of high-altitude high-tension line based on EDPF algorithm
    LI Jianhua, ZHOU Linggang
    2021, 43(7): 31-34,40. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107008
    Abstract PDF
    L(0, 1) mode guided wave detection for notch defects in small-diameter and bending tubes
    HAN Jiaqi, LIU Yao, YANG Ningxiang, LIU Xiucheng, WU Bin
    2021, 43(7): 35-40. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107009
    Abstract PDF
    Eddy current measurement of unexpanded gap depth in steam generator expansion zone
    HUANG Xiaofeng, CHEN Shengyu
    2021, 43(7): 41-44. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107010
    Abstract PDF
    Automatic ultrasonic inspection of steel catenary riser welds
    CHEN Liang, ZHANG Tianjiang, WU Yuan
    2021, 43(7): 45-49. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107011
    Abstract PDF
    Frequency-wavenumber domain ultrasonic phased array total focusing method imagingdetection for delamination defect of aviation metal sheet
    ZHONG Fangtao, SHI Wenze, LU Chao, CHEN Guo, SHEN Jiahui, HU Jing
    2021, 43(7): 50-56. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107012
    Abstract PDF
    Ultrasonic TOFD testing of corrosion defects on the inner wall of long-distance pipelines
    JIANG Yanshan, DENG Jin, LI Zhe, LIU Liliang
    2021, 43(7): 57-59,78. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107013
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of dye penetrant testing for chromium plating of CRDM latch assembly
    HU Haitao, LI Hui
    2021, 43(7): 60-63. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107014
    Abstract PDF
    Phased array ultrasonic testing for lap fillet welds of pressure vessels in service
    TANG Feiyangliang, YANG Jing, WEI Peisheng, XU Guoliang
    2021, 43(7): 64-66,70. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107015
    Abstract PDF
    Phased array ultrasonic testing of 304 stainless steel weld
    WU Yong, XU Kan, QIU Fanggang
    2021, 43(7): 67-70. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107016
    Abstract PDF
    Defect statistics in strain clamp of three-span transmission lines based on radiographic testing
    WANG Di, MIU Chunhui, FANG Zhenbang
    2021, 43(7): 71-73. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107017
    Abstract PDF
    Robotic ultrasonic nondestructive testing system for extruded bars
    YU Yue, LI Lihong, ZHONG Min, BIAN Chengliang, YANG Chenlong
    2021, 43(7): 74-78. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107018
    Abstract PDF
    Laser marking intelligent defect detection system based on machine vision
    XIAO Suhua, WANG Zhiyong, ZHANG Shunjun, LUO Wenbin, CAO Yingbin
    2021, 43(7): 79-82. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107019
    Abstract PDF
    Research development of tire tread wear detection technology
    PANG Bowei, CUI Min, YANG Kun, FENG Miaomiao, LU Zesen
    2021, 43(7): 83-89,94. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107020
    Abstract PDF
    Internal inspection data comparison in long distance oil and gas pipelines
    HU Peng, CHEN Jinzhong, KANG Xiaowei, SHI Guannan, ZHOU Hanquan, MA Yilai
    2021, 43(7): 90-94. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202107021
    Abstract PDF