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    Research on Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Using Measurement of Transient Gradient Magnetic Field
    QI Yong, LI Yong, CHEN Zhen-Mao, XIAO Mei-Hua
    2012, 34(10): 3-7.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation on the Defect Effect of Excitation Parameters Using Pulsed Eddy Current Testing
    ZHOU De-Qiang, YAN Xiang-Yang, YOU Li-Hua
    2012, 34(10): 8-11.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantitative NDE of Plastic Deformation Based on Barkhausen Noise and Incremental Permeability
    CHEN Hong-En, CHEN Zhen-Mao, LI Yong, LI Yun-Fei
    2012, 34(10): 12-14.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of a Portable High-Precision Above Ground Marker System for an MFL Pipeline Inspector
    SU Zhi-Yi, HUANG Song-Ling, ZHAO Wei, WANG Shen, FENG Hua-Cheng
    2012, 34(10): 16-18.
    Abstract PDF
    Cracks Quantitative Detection System Design Based on Alternative Current Field Measurement Techniques
    SHI Hong-Yuan, CHEN Jin-Gui, REN shang-Kun
    2012, 34(10): 19-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on Beam Focusing Behavior and Beam Steering Behavior of Ultrasonic Phased Array System
    SUN Zhong-Bo, QIANG Tian-Peng
    2012, 34(10): 23-27.
    Abstract PDF
    The Experiment Research of New Electromagnetic Testing Technique in Pressure Equipment Inspection
    YAO Li, GONG De-Xing, MA Xue-Rong, YUE Kai-Bai, ZUO Ji-Feng
    2012, 34(10): 28-31.
    Abstract PDF
    The Analysis on AE Signals During the First Boosting
    ZHANG Xiao-Bin, WANG Chun-Qiang, LI Jian-Xun, ZHU Zheng-Guo, HUANG Jian, HUANG Jiu
    2012, 34(10): 32-34.
    Abstract PDF
    Eddy Current Testing for Stainless Steel Storage Tank
    PENG Guo-Ping, DU Nan-Sheng, LI Hong-Gang
    2012, 34(10): 35-37.
    Abstract PDF
    The Infrared Thermal Imaging Data Fitting Method Based on Genetic Algorithm
    ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Jin-Yu, HUANG Xiao-Rong, HUANG Jian-Xiang
    2012, 34(10): 38-41.
    Abstract PDF
    The Research of Method and System to Determine the Operating Frequency of Eddy Current Testing Based on Spectrum Analysis
    YANG Lin-Yu, DING Qing-Xi, YU Run-Qiao
    2012, 34(10): 42-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Condenser Tube Sheet Region Tube Eddy Current MRPC Inspection Technique
    GUO Yun, YANG Jin-Song, CAO Gang
    2012, 34(10): 46-50.
    Abstract PDF
    The Optimized NDT Techniques to Test Crack-Like Indications in the Root Pass of Weld Beads
    CHEN Zhi-Qiang
    2012, 34(10): 51-54.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Thermal Neutron Radiography for Research in Lithium-Ion Battery
    HAN Song-Bai, LIU Yun-Tao, CHEN Dong-Feng, WANG Hong-Li, WU Mei-Mei, HAO Li-Jie, HE Lin-Feng, WEI Guo-Hai, WANG Yu
    2012, 34(10): 55-59.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress in Research of Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Technique for the Plate-Like Structure Defect Detection
    LIU Yan, WANG Yue-Min, SUN Feng-Rui, SHEN Chuan-Jun
    2012, 34(10): 60-66.
    Abstract PDF
    Overview of the Technology and Algorithm of Microwave Imaging
    XU Hui, CHEN Yan-Ling
    2012, 34(10): 67-71.
    Abstract PDF
    Overhead Type Large-Diameter Steel Pipe Ultrasonic Testing Equipment
    ZHANG Lun-Zhao, YUAN Qi, GAO Dong-Lin, TANG Hai-Bo, CHEN Quan, WU Hai-Yan, WU Yang-Lin
    2012, 34(10): 72-74.
    Abstract PDF
    Remote Field Eddy Current Testing of Water-Cooled Wall Tube for Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plant Boiler
    WANG Xiao-Cong, LI Hua, LI Mao-Dong, CHEN Hong-Jun, NI Jin-Fei, FAN Xian-Zhen
    2012, 34(10): 75-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Demagnetization of the Thick Wall Alloy Steel Pipe by Magnetizing Testing
    MENG Ling-Hua, HAN Xiao-Hua, ZHAO Hong-Xian
    2012, 34(10): 78-80.
    Abstract PDF
    Discussion on the Surface Illumination of Nondestructive Testing and Reliability of Test Results
    CHEN Cui-Li
    2012, 34(10): 81-82.
    Abstract PDF