A Method Based on Magneto Mechanical Effect to Inspect Press Fit Defect of Railway Wheelset
摘要: 轮对的勒伤缺陷对火车的运行安全危害严重。提出了基于微磁的检测方法,分析了磁机械效应原理,试验研究了列车轮对勒伤部位因应力集中导致的磁场分布变化,研制了勒伤检测仪。实验研究表明,该方法对勒伤缺陷十分敏感,具有良好的检测效果。Abstract: The press fit defect of railway wheelset would cause serious safety problem on the train. A testing method base on magneto mechanical effect was proposed, the magneto mechanical principle was analyzed, the magnetic field distribution caused by stress concentration located on press fit defect of railway wheelset was researched by trials, and an instrument was developed to detect as well. Testing results showed that it was very effective in detecting the defect on the press fit surface.