

    NDE Technique With Ultrasonic Thermography Imaging

    • 摘要: 超声红外热成像技术是一种新的无损检测方法, 它是利用低频超声脉冲波作用在不同的材料或者结构上, 然后通过红外热像仪对被测件在脉冲波激励下产生的局部发热过程进行采集, 从而判别被测件中缺陷的有无及其位置。简要介绍了国外超声红外热成像无损评估在金属材料、复合材料和陶瓷材料中疲劳裂纹、分层、脱粘等损伤检测方面的应用情况。


      Abstract: The sonic infrared(IR) imaging is a new NDE method. The using short ultrasonic pulse acting on different material or structure, and the produed local heat process under pulse wave was seized and collected by thermogrophy imaging, and the defect and its postion was distinguished in tested sample. The foreign application of sonic IR imaging NDE was presented on detecting fatigue crack, delaminations and disbonds in metal material, composites and ceramics material.


