RT Technological Compilation System Based on ExcelVBA
摘要: 为实现射线探伤工艺的规范化、自动化,提高检测人员的工作效率,以Office Excel为开发平台,采用VBA脚本语言开发了射线工艺编制系统,可以依据JB/T 4730—2005标准的相关条款和产品基本参数,自动完成射线检测工艺的编制。同时系统兼具设备台账、档案、辐射防护等管理功能。Abstract: A new RT technological compilation system based on ExcelVBA was presented for standardizing RT technology and improving efficiency. Technology calculation, radiation protection, facilities and documents management were integrated in the system. It could automatically compile the RT technology according to the standard JB/T 4730—2005 and product basic parameters.