

    Requirements for the Accreditation of a Nondestructive Testing Laboratory and the Control of Testing Process

    • 摘要: 实验室认可对于证明无损检测实验室的公正性和技术能力,提高其管理水平发挥着积极的作用。通过管理体系的建立和有效运行,使影响检测结果可靠性的人员、仪器和检测方法等诸多因素得到控制,能够使无损检测实验室出具的结果或数据更具有效性和权威性。


      Abstract: Accreditation of a laboratory plays a fundamental and positive function in regard to the ability to provide nondestructive testing, the impartiality and the technical competence, and the enhancement of management of the laboratory. Through the establishment and implementation of the management system, it enables effective control of factors which affects the test reliability, such as personnel, instrument, test methods, etc.. in order to provide reliable and authoritative inspection results.


