

    Electromagnetic Detection of High-Speed Railway

    • 摘要: 高速铁路损伤的缺陷主要表现形式发生变化, 对其巡检已成为世界各国无损检测的重大课题。采用电磁检测方法, 通过仿真及试验研究, 结合钢轨实际案例进行分析验证, 初步建立在高速运动的交直流激励作用下, 被测钢轨材料及其表面、亚表面一定深度下的钢轨裂纹、应力等多种因素与被测材料表面三维等效脉冲涡流电磁场、磁泄漏和剩磁、巴克豪森噪声信号响应的关系。


      Abstract: The oblique cracks are very dangerous in high speed railway, and rather difficult to be detected. In this paper electromagnetic techniques are used to solve this problem. By means of simulation and experimentation of rail sample, the relationship between the electromagnetic response of rail head material under excitation and the situation of defects and stress in the surface and subsurface is researched. The model also contains the variables of different feature of defects in the material and stress of the material. Based on the results of simulation, a Yoke and 3D magnetic sensor array is formed and PMFL, PEC effects are measured to get the feature of defects while the magnetic memory effect and Barkhausen noise are measured to get the information of stress formulation in a non-contact way.


