Getting Planar Information of Weak Signal in Dual-Frequency Eddy Current Testing
摘要: 依据涡流检测的阻抗分析原理和仿真差动探头检测时的双频阻抗数据, 在Ansys仿真基础上对数据进行相位旋转相减的混频算法处理, 实现支撑板干扰下的缺陷信号识别。分析表明, 该算法具有较强的通用性, 能有效地识别支撑板干扰时的缺陷信号。Abstract: The research of arithmetic on the basis of emulation mode in Ansys aimed to eliminate the support signal and extract the defect signal. According to the theory of impedance analysis, it simulated dual-frequency eddy current testing by the differential sensor and gets impedance data. On the basis of these data phase rotation and subtraction mixing method were applied and the extraction of the defect signal from a combination of the support signal was realized. The analysis indicated that this method was universal and was effective to distinguish between the defect signal and the support signal.