

    Ultrasonic Testing of the Electric Resistance Welded Pipe

    • 摘要: 简要介绍了ERW焊管生产过程中超声波检测的工艺过程及特点,从折射角、声束宽度和检测频率三方面对ERW焊缝超声波检测工艺参数的选择进行了讨论。在ERW焊管的超声波检测中,焊管中横波折射角的下限是33.2°,其上限范围随焊管内外径比r/R的变化而变化,r/R数值越大,其范围也就越大;45°折射横波对于焊缝及热影响区表面开口缺陷具有较高的检测灵敏度,但是为了兼顾焊缝内部的径向面积型缺陷的检测,还应采用大折射角的横波声束进行扫查;在检测中要根据横波折射角和钢管直径综合考虑入射声束宽度,既要保证声束上边缘不在焊管中激发出表面波,又要避免焊管中折射纵波的出现。


      Abstract: Process characteristics of the ultrasonic testing in the electric resistance welded pipe production were introduced in this paper. The selection of technological parameters was discussed from three respects, such as refraction angle, width of the acoustic beam and ultrasonic frequency. In the ultrasonic testing of the ERW seam, the lower limit of the refraction angle is 33.2°, and the upper limit increases with the increment of the ratio between inter-diameter and outer-diameter. The refraction shear wave with the angle of 45°can detect the surface-breaking defects effectively. To detect the inner area type defects, shear wave with large angle should be adopted. In practice work, the width of the incident beam is determined by the refraction angle and the pipe diameter to avoid the generation of the surface wave and the refraction longitudinal wave.


