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    Measurement Technique by Laser Ultrasound Based on Opto-acoustic Effect
    GUO Rui-peng, WANG Hai-tao, XU Jun, HU Guo-xing, ZENG Wei, YANG Xian-ming
    2015, 37(10): 1-4. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510001
    Abstract PDF
    The Temperature Field of Double-Layer Structure for Laser Scanning Infrared Thermography
    JIANG Hai-jun, CHEN Li
    2015, 37(10): 5-9. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510002
    Abstract PDF
    The Application of TOFD Technology in the Comprehensive Inspection of Rocket Propellant Tanks
    MA Xue-rong, CHEN Xiao-hui, LU Jun
    2015, 37(10): 10-12. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510003
    Abstract PDF
    The Application of DR Detection Technique Based on Continuous X-Ray
    GONG De-xing, YAO Li, LU Jun, LAI De-ming, LI Zhen-mei
    2015, 37(10): 13-15. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510004
    Abstract PDF
    The Rail Three-Dimensional Contour Detection Based on the Phase Measuring Profile Metrology
    XIAO Long-fei, LI Jin-long, GAO Xiao-rong, WANG Ze-yong, LUO Lin, ZENG Min
    2015, 37(10): 16-19. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510005
    Abstract PDF
    Ultrasonic Testing of the Defect around R Corner in Old Crankshaft
    SHI Chang-liang, DONG Shi-yun, TANG Wei-xue, ZHAN Hao, LUO Shun, HUANG Xian-zhi
    2015, 37(10): 20-23. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510006
    Abstract PDF
    Discrepancy Analysis on the Type and Usage of Penetrant Testing Blocks Based on RCC-M and JB/T 4730.5
    ZHU Cong-bin, YANG Zhi-peng
    2015, 37(10): 24-27. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510007
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of Key Points of Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing in ASME 2013 NDE Part 2: Computerized Imaging Techniques (Sequel)
    LI Yan
    2015, 37(10): 28-34. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510008
    Abstract PDF
    The Blocks with Side-Drilled Holes and Their Sensitivity Setting According to Technique 1 of GB/T 11345-2013
    MENG Qian-qian, JIN Yu-fei, LIU Yang, FAN Xing-zhao
    2015, 37(10): 35-38. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510009
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical Simulation of Infrared Thermographic Inspection of the Lack of Thermal Insulation in Exterior Wall of Building
    JIANG Ji-tong, XU Hua-feng, WU Jing-fu
    2015, 37(10): 39-46. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510010
    Abstract PDF
    The Method of Defect Quantitative Estimation Based on Pulsed Magnetic Flux Leakage
    XU Peng, HUANG Jun, ZHU Li-li
    2015, 37(10): 47-50. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510011
    Abstract PDF
    A Sparse Ultrasonic TOFD Imaging Method for the Weld of Thin Plate Based on Wavelet-Matching Pursuit
    FANG Zheng-zhong, ZHAO Ye, YANG Ke-ji, ZHENG Ding-ding, ZHOU Hong-min
    2015, 37(10): 51-55. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510012
    Abstract PDF
    The Influence of the Elbow Surface of Boiler Tube on Eddy Current Probe′s Impedance
    LI Hai-chao, XU Zhi-yuan, LIN Zhang-peng, LIAO Ya-hua
    2015, 37(10): 56-59. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510013
    Abstract PDF
    The Location of Acoustic Emission Source of Pipeline Leakage Based on EMD and Wavelet Transform
    WU Xu-jing, DU Bin, YE Chen
    2015, 37(10): 60-63. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510014
    Abstract PDF
    Finite Element Analysis of Testing of Titanium Alloy Thin Sheet Using Lamb Wave
    ZHANG Bo-nan, HUO Yu-sen, WU Di, TENG Yong-ping, WU Hai-yan
    2015, 37(10): 64-68. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510015
    Abstract PDF
    The Conclusion Differences in Radiographic Test and Ultrasonic Test of the Same Weld Flaws
    JI Hong-lin, SUN Guang-xiang
    2015, 37(10): 69-71. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510016
    Abstract PDF
    The Design of Aluminized Paper Oil Detection System Based on Machine Vision
    HU Cheng-dong, ZHOU Bin, WANG Ji-hong, ZHAO Cui-qiong
    2015, 37(10): 72-76. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510017
    Abstract PDF
    Reflection on School Education of Nondestructive Testing in China
    YOU Yong, XIA Ji-zhen, XING Xiu-wen, ZHANG Guo-cai
    2015, 37(10): 77-80. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510018
    Abstract PDF
    Methods of Monitoring Laser Shock Peening for Aviation Engine Blade
    MA Ze-xiang, GUO Xing-wang
    2015, 37(10): 81-86. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510019
    Abstract PDF
    The Development of Domestic and Foreign Industrial Portable X-Ray Generator
    HUANG Xin-chao
    2015, 37(10): 87-90. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc201510020
    Abstract PDF