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    A Method for Extraction of Defects in X-Ray Images
    REN Zhi, SU Zhen-Wei, YU Dong-Bao, YAN Kai-Hua
    2009, 31(2): 89-91.
    Abstract PDF
    Nonlinear Distortion Correction of Endoscope Images with Digital Technology
    SUN Hui-Xian, LUO Fei-Lu, ZHANG Yu-Hua
    2009, 31(2): 92-95.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of LabVIEW Based Eddy Current Testing System
    LI Yun-Fei, CHEN Yi-Fang
    2009, 31(2): 96-98.
    Abstract PDF
    Image Processing of Real-Time Automatic X-Ray Inspection System for Weld Defects
    HOU Run-Shi, SHAO Jia-Xin, WANG Li, DU Dong
    2009, 31(2): 99-101.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation Arithmetic of X-CT Projection Based on Consecutive Spectrum
    CHEN Ping, PAN Jin-Xiao, LIU Bin
    2009, 31(2): 102-104.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Ultrasonic Measurement of Wall Thickness of In-use Oil Well Tubing
    DONG Wei-Rong, HE Chuan, HUANG He
    2009, 31(2): 105-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of Geometrical Dimensions of Betzs Ring Specimen Hypothesizs of Uniform Distribution of Electric Current
    ZHONG Wei-Chang
    2009, 31(2): 107-109.
    Abstract PDF
    Wireless Acquisition and Transmission System of Sensing Signals of Smart Cement-Based Sensors
    LIN Zhen-Shan, WANG Chun-Yuan, JIN Xin, YU Yan, HAN Bao-Guo
    2009, 31(2): 111-114.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment on Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Dam Concrete Under Dynamic Bending Tension
    WANG Yan, WU Sheng-Xing, ZHOU Ji-Kai
    2009, 31(2): 115-119.
    Abstract PDF
    Thermographic Testing for Impact Damage of Airplane Composite
    YANG Xiao-Lin, JANG Tao, FENG Li-Chun
    2009, 31(2): 120-122.
    Abstract PDF
    Calibration Technology on the Strength Measurement of the Cement Based on Ultrasonic Under Temperature Influence
    ZHAO Yong-Mei, ZHU Shuang-Hua, ZHAO Jian-Wei, LIU Xian-Shou
    2009, 31(2): 123-124.
    Abstract PDF
    The Research of Radiographic Testing Technology for High Temperature Alloy GH4049
    XIONG Ying, FU Su-Zhen, ZHANG Xiao-Ling
    2009, 31(2): 125-128.
    Abstract PDF
    Ultrasonic Inspection of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel
    FU Yang
    2009, 31(2): 129-132.
    Abstract PDF
    Non-Film Radiographic Testing Techniques(Continued)
    LI Yan
    2009, 31(2): 133-137.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of Tube Weld Inspection System with Automatic Real-Time Digital Radioscopy
    SUN Zhong-Cheng, WU Gen-Hua, JIN Shu-Yong, SUN Mao-Lin
    2009, 31(2): 138-143.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of High-Speed Data Acquisition System for Ultrasonic Signal
    WANG Xiu, CHENG Jian-Zheng, NI Yuan
    2009, 31(2): 144-146.
    Abstract PDF
    Duplex Working Positioned Magnetic Particle Testing Machine
    WANG Xiao-Mei, WANG Heng-Di, WANG Yang-Chuan
    2009, 31(2): 147-149.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of Multi-Channels Acoustic Emission High-Speed Data Acquisition System
    TONG Guan-Jun, WANG Ru-Li
    2009, 31(2): 150-153.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison and Analysis for the Two RT Standards of SY/T 4109—2005 and JB/T 4730—2005
    JIA Tao, LI Hong-Jie
    2009, 31(2): 154-156.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Standard of Electron Linear Accelerator for Nondestructive Testing
    GUO Yan-Bin
    2009, 31(2): 157-158.
    Abstract PDF
    Leak Testing for Manufacturing and Shutdown of Nuclear Power Station Steam Generator
    DING Xun-Shen
    2009, 31(2): 159-161.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis and Judgement of False Defect Signal When Using Ultrasonic Detection for Generator Retaining Ring
    WANG Chun-Shui, ZHANG Jun-Yi, ZHANG Shu-Ji
    2009, 31(2): 162-163.
    Abstract PDF
    Ultrasonic Inspection of Full Penetration T-Butt Structure Welds on Hull
    WU Min, DING Xiao-Jun, LI Guo-Hong
    2009, 31(2): 164-166.
    Abstract PDF