Research on the Method and Apparatus of Alternating Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing for Sucker Rod
摘要: 基于交流漏磁检测原理, 采用穿过式线圈对抽油杆进行交变励磁, 实现对其表面上多种类型缺陷的无损检测。实验结果表明, 缺陷深度、激励磁场强度和提离值等参数对检测信号幅值产生较大的影响, 并对各种参数产生的影响进行了分析。穿过式线圈磁化实现抽油杆全周向交流漏磁检测, 其检测的灵敏度较高, 可以对腐蚀产生的微小麻点进行评价, 能实施对含腐蚀性环境下的抽油杆探伤。Abstract: Based on the principle of alternative current magnetic flux leakage testing, various kinds of surface defects in the sucker rod were detected under alternating magnetization by insert coil. It was indicated by experiment that the amplitude of signals was affected greatly by several parameters such as the depth of defect, excitation magnetization strength and lift-off distance. Finally, the influence caused by various kinds of parameters was analyzed. Because the alternating magnetization was induced in the sucker rod in the whole circumferential direction, the method has a good sensitivity to test pockmarks with the resulting in inspection for sucker rod under corrosive environment.