Aeroengine Borecope Inspection Technique and Non-destructive Testing
摘要: 提出航空发动机热部件在大修后,在役使用过程中出现损伤与内窥镜检测监控之间的有机联系,讨论航空动机内窥镜检测技术与无损检测的相互关系,从更深层面上指出发动机热部件修理中存在的一些问题是造成发动机重大损伤的原因之一,这对于监控发动机热部件损伤及其发展趋势、降低发动机维修成本有现实的意义。Abstract: This paper mainly details the relationship between the defect and borescope monitoring of overhauled aero engine thermal part ,deeply discusses problems existing in engine thermal part maintenance which are reasons for serious engine damage, and it is hoped that this paper can cause enough attention of relevant party. It means a lot for monitoring engine thermal part damage and development trend and reduing engine repair cost.