Ultrasonic Immersion Testing of Thick Wall Tube Used as Control Poles in Nuclear Power Station Driving Machines
摘要: 驱动机构控制杆是核电站反应堆的关键部件之一。其质量要求高,原材料中如存在表面开裂等危险性缺陷,可能对反应堆的安全运行造成影响。驱动杆为管状结构,但壁厚/外径比达到了0.35,周向超声检测困难。笔者采用水浸超声检测方法,利用一次折射纵波和反射变型横波实现厚壁管材的全体积检测,提高了超声检测的灵敏度和信噪比。Abstract: Control poles are an important part of nuclear power station and they require for high quality. It is difficult to detect the crack in control poles whose ratio of thickness to radius is 0.35. Aiming at this problem, the deformation shear and longitudinal wave with ultrasonic immersion testing method is used,and the results show that the whole thick tube can be detected with high signal-to-noise ratio.