

    The Research and Development of EEC-2008net Electromagnetic / Ultrasonic Testing System

    • 摘要: 随着工业检测技术的发展, 功能单一的无损检测设备已不能满足现场检测的要求。结合多种无损检测方法, 提供更多更全面的信息已成为无损检测发展的重要方向之一。EEC-2008net检测系统将涡流、超声和磁记忆检测技术集成于同一台仪器中。该系统在实际检测中可以降低缺陷的误检与漏检, 而且不同的检测方法之间切换快捷, 节省了人力与物力, 大大提高了现场检测效率。该设备还可以与计算机网络技术相结合, 基于以太网结构拓展成检测网络, 实现多通道检测与检测数据的多方共享。


      Abstract: With the development of industry inspection technology, one single function of testing equipment cannot meet the requirements, and it is necessary to combine the advantages of various NDT methods to provide more reliable information. A new system EEC-2008net based on computer network was developed with eddy current, ultrasonic and metal magnetic memory testing technique and conformed to the developing trend of non-destructive testing equipments. The device could reduce false and missed defects, and the switching between different methods was very fast, saved resource and improved the efficiency. The device could also be expanded to be a detection network based on the Ethernet to realize multi-channel detection and sharing the test data with others.


