

    A Digital Ultrasonic and Eddy Current Inspection System for Nondestructive Examination of Precision Tubes and Bars

    • 摘要: 精密管材和棒材广泛用于核能和航空航天等领域,其细微缺陷探伤和尺寸精密测量极为重要。为此研制了精密管棒材数字成像无损探伤和测量系统。该系统由超声纵、横向缺陷探伤、超声尺寸测量、涡流探伤等子系统组成,实现了管材内壁、外壁纵横向缺陷超声探伤,棒材内部缺陷超声纵波探伤,棒材纵向缺陷超声横波探伤;棒材周向、径向缺陷超声横波探伤;管材壁厚超声测量,管材、棒材直径超声测量,管材、棒材椭圆度超声测量;管材、棒材缺陷涡流穿过式探伤及异物(渗碳等)检测,管材、棒材材料背景噪声穿过式涡流检测,管材、棒材旋转点式涡流探伤。各检测子系统均依据轴向编码器和周向编码器进行缺陷检测和尺寸测量的时基线记录显示、B扫显示和C扫成像显示,实现了高灵敏度、高分辨力、高可靠性的管材和棒材无损检测。


      Abstract: In nuclear and aerospace industry, the widely used precision tubes and bars needed to be inspected in detail for tiny defects and dimension of wall-thickness and diameter. An automatic examination system is designed for this purpose which is with the function of the inspection and measurement. The system is composed of ultrasonic testing sub-system for inspecting longitudinal and circumferential defects, and ultrasonic measurement sub-system and eddy-current testing sub-system. The defects which could be found are longitudinal and circumferential ID and OD in pipes with ultrasound shear wave, and internal defects in bars with ultrasound longitudinal wave, and longitudinal and circumferential defects in bars with ultrasound shear wave. The ultrasonic measurement sub-system could inspect the wall-thickness of pipes and the diameter and ellipticity of pipes and bars. With bobbin coil, the defects and pollution in pipes and bars could be inspected, and the noise signal of material could be inspected also. With the rotating point probes, higher sensitivity for defect eddy-current testing is acquired. By using axial encoders and circumferential encoders, the display in all sub-system has the modes of strip chart recorder, B-scan and C-scan, respectively, which could be used for analyzing and measuring the imperfects. Experimental results show that the system has high sensitivity, resolution and reliability for nondestructive examination of precision tubes and bars.


