

    Eddy Current Signal Analysis and Processing Techniques

    • 摘要: 涡流检测线圈输出信号十分复杂,对该信号进行准确的分析处理是获得高精度和高可靠性检测结果的基础。介绍了涡流检测信号分析处理的几种新技术,包括小波除噪技术、神经网络技术、信息融合技术、电磁场仿真技术、DSP技术和网络分析处理系统等。通过分析各种新技术的应用状况及发展潜力,指出了将这些技术综合运用并与专家系统相结合实现智能检测是未来的发展趋势。


      Abstract: The output signals of measuring coil for eddy current testing is rather complicated, but is essential for detection accuracy and reliability. Several new techniques of eddy current signal analysis and processing, including wavelet denoising, neural network, electromagnetic simulation, DSP technique and network data processing system were discussed. The development trend in future was presented by studying the application status and development potential of these new methods, that is the realization of auto detection by integrated usage of these techques combined with expert system.


