

    A Method for Extraction of Defects in X-Ray Images

    • 摘要: 准确提取焊缝X射线图像中的缺陷是图像自动识别的主要问题。针对这一难题, 提出了一种以邻域灰度平方差变换为基础, 结合灰度级形态学重构和边缘检测, 辅之边缘保持滤波和已标注连接分量图像融合的缺陷提取新算法。该方法能可靠地提取出低对比度X射线数字图像中的焊缝缺陷部分。


      Abstract: Currently, the detection of welding defects is difficult and inaccurate in the X-ray images with low contrast, so the automatic computer-aided defect identification cannot be used in practice effectively. Aiming at this problem, a methodology for the weld defect detection was proposed, which was based on calculating the square value of neighborhood subtraction, is presented. The sequent process contains morphological reconstruction, edge detection and local enhancement, and image fusion technique. Experiment results showed that the method was valid for the weld defect detection of the X-ray images with low contrast.


