

    An Ultrasonic System for Online Inspection of Large Axles

    • 摘要: 针对现有的超声检测方法在检测大型回转件内部缺陷时存在的问题。介绍了一种大型回转件的超声波在线自动检测系统。其中的探头装夹装置以回转件的外表面作为定位基准, 靠磁铁磁力自动压紧工件表面, 具有自适应对中、调节快速、方便和灵活的特点; 超声板卡基于标准PCI总线, 四通道超声波发射/接收, 体积小, 集成度高; 软件部分结合了传统的超声波无损检测技术和先进的虚拟仪器、数字信号处理、数据存储和回放等技术<参考文献原文>, 扩展了传统超声波仪器的功能 , 提高了大型回转件检测质量和检测效率。


      Abstract: Based on the investigation of the existing problems in ultrasonic inspection of large axles, an automated ultrasonic system for on-line inspection of large axles is presented in the paper. The surface of the axle was taken as the benchmark for locating the probe so that the ultrasonic signal could automatically penetrate through the centre of the axel. A magnetic force was used for conducting and attracting the probe to the surface of the axle so that the tracing fixture was small, fast and convenient for installation. The ultrasonic board is based on high speed A/D and PCI bus for high speed of data sampling and transmitting. The system software has all the functions of conventional ultrasonic inspection instruments and advantages of virtual instruments, digital signal process and huge data storage, which significantly improve the quality and efficiency of the ultrasonic inspection.


