

    Radiation Safety Management to NDT Personnel

    • 摘要: 针对无损检测人员的辐射安全问题,结合无损检测的工作特性,统计分析了年度可能的累积辐射剂量。结果表明,目前无损检测人员的年度累积辐射剂量基本在1.5~3 mSv之间,属于GB 18871—2002标准规定的低剂量辐射水平。对低剂量辐射可能引起的职业伤害进行了必要的分析,同时介绍了在辐射安全管理方面应采取的技术措施,即通过建立健全辐射管理制度和预防措施,完善定期体检制度以加强职业病的防治,从而最大限度地防止了辐射事故和职业病的发生。


      Abstract: Aiming at the safety problem of radiation damage to the NDT worker, the statistics analyses to the personnel accumulation radiation dose per year were done based on NDT testing specificity. The result showed that the personnel accumulation radiation was dose usually between 1.5~3 mSv at present, belonging to the lower radiation dose level in GB 18871—2002. The possible occupation damages under lower radiation dose were analyzed, and the adopted manage ways about radiation safety management were introduced. The occupational disease prevention and cure were enhanced by forming perfect radiation manage system, taking effective preventive measure and improving periodical physical examination system. All theses measures had decreased the risk of occupation sick and radiation damage as greatly as possible.


