

    Rail Defects Detecting Equipment Based on Electromagnetic Acoustic Technique

    • 摘要: 由于当前压电超声钢轨探伤装置依赖耦合剂、结构复杂,故设计了基于电磁超声的钢轨探伤装置。该装置采用电磁超声斜入射体波、垂直入射体波、高频和低频表面波四种类型探头,可以实现对钢轨的全面探伤;设计的多通道探伤装置机械结构具有体积小的特点;针对电磁超声换能器换能效率低、对噪声敏感的特点,设计了大功率发射和低噪声接收电路;提出自相关算法,实现对多通道接收的处理。试验结果表明,该装置可以对钢轨轨底、轨腰、踏面、轨头等多处的缺陷进行检测,对于列车行车安全具有重要意义。


      Abstract: In view of the piezoelectric technology application in rail detection, which is limited by testing speed, acoustic coupling and the complicated structure, a rail defects detecting equipment based on electromagnectic acoustic technique has been investigated. The multi-channel transmitting and receiving circuits were designed in order to achieve the comprehensive tests. The mechanical structure was designed which effectively solved the loose structure and interference problem. The way to achieve high power transmitting and low noise receiving was designed. The self-correlation method was designed, which was applied in the rail flaw detection system. Experiments showed that the equipment could detect the rail flaws efficiently and indicated that the device had advantages of being independent of couplant and simple structure.


