Solutions to Online Testing and Assessment of Wire Ropes in Amusement Machine “Sounding Shuttle”
摘要: “探空飞梭”游艺机的安全直接关乎游客生命,其中的钢丝绳又是“探空飞梭”安全的最关键部件之一。文章通过实践提出了依据标准,应用MTC钢丝绳电脑探伤仪定期在线检测钢丝绳的解决方案。该仪器可现场检测,由电脑采集数据经过处理,对缺陷作出钢丝绳的断丝、松股、跳丝和变形等缺陷作出定性判断,继而算出钢丝绳磨损的百分数,实现钢丝绳的定性、定位和定量的检测要求。其将为特种设备基于科学仪器的监督检验、风险评估和建立预警系统提供示范和参考。Abstract: The safety of amusement machine “Sounding Shuttle”, in which wire ropes are one of the most critical components is directly related to tourists life. Solutions based on the regular online test wire rope according to scientific standards by using advanced equipments are put forward in this paper.This provides a reference for the supervision and inspection, the risk assessment and the establishment of early warning system for the special equipments based on scientific instruments.