

    Research and Application of Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Instrument for Steel Corrosions

    • 摘要: 为解决带包覆层钢腐蚀检测的技术难题, 根据脉冲涡流检测原理, 研制出一套脉冲涡流钢腐蚀检测仪。详细论述了传感器、主机和检测软件等检测系统的组成。实验室和现场试验表明, 该系统能够穿透铝和不锈钢等常见管道保护层材料, 检测出120 mm包覆层厚度下10%的钢腐蚀变化。钢腐蚀脉冲涡流检测技术为在线检测提供了新的手段。


      Abstract: To solve the problem of testing the corrosion of the steel component with coatings, a pulse eddy current testing system is developed. The system composition parts, which include the sensors, the host and the software, are described in detail. The laboratory experiment and field application indicate that the system is able to detect the 10% wall thickness variation due to the corrosion when the coating thickness is 120 mm. The experimental result also shows the system can detect the steel corrosion with Aluminum and stainless steel sheet. Therefore, an online testing method is proposed.


