

    Numerical Analysis on X-Ray Intensity Attenuation in Radiographic Testing

    • 摘要: 应用Kulenkampff的射线强度经验公式,对工业射线照相检测中的X射线连续谱强度及衰减特性提出了一种理论近似算法。以钢材为例,应用Newton-Cotes梯形数值计算方法,结合Matlab软件模拟计算,得到了不同能量的X射线的相对强度随材料厚度变化的吸收曲线,以及平均衰减系数、半值层及其变化曲线,并与射线强度衰减理论相符。通过在T=0时与解析计算结果比较,该计算方法偏差<3%,能满足射线检测技术的需要。研究结果表明,所采用的近似算法具有普适性和实用性,在射线照相检测过程中可以对各种材料的X射线衰减特性进行有效的理论分析。


      Abstract: Based on Kulenkampff empirical formula about X-ray intensity, an approximate numerical algorithm for X-ray intensity and its attenuation characteristics in industry radiographic testing is provided. Using Newton-Cotes numerical computing algorithm, combined with Matlab soft programming, for steel material and in different energy X-ray, the X-ray absorption curves of relative intensity against material thickness, mean attenuation coefficient, half-value thickness and their variation curves are obtained, and confirmed to the X-ray attenuation theory. By comparison with analytic algorithm in T=0, the error of the approximate numerical algorithm is below 3%, which can meet the requirement in radiographic testing. The study results show that the numerical algorithm used in this paper has universality and practicality, and can implement effective analysis theoretically on X-ray attenuation in various materials during radiographic testing.


