Identification and Reconstruction of Cracks in Ultrasonic IR Imaging
摘要: 超声红外热像技术结合了超声激励和红外热像两种手段来检测材料和结构中裂纹等缺陷,是一种新型的无损检测技术。在推导了超声激励下裂纹热量传导的一维简化模型的基础上,采用基于控制标记符的分水岭分割和骨架描述法实现了超声红外热像技术中裂纹信息的识别与重构,并采用Matlab开发了相应的算法软件。试验结果证明了方法的可行性和准确性。Abstract: Ultrasonic IR Thermal is a novel NDE technique, which combines a short ultrasonic pulse excitation and infrared imaging to detect defects, such as crack, in materials and structures. A simplified one-dimension heat-conduction model excited by ultrasonic pulses was put forward in this paper. Based on this model, a series of image processing methods for identification and reconstruction of cracks were presented. Results obtained showed the methods were feasible and accurate.