

    Automatic Ultrasonic Testing Technology to Girth Welding in Pipeline

    • 摘要: 简要介绍了管道焊缝全自动相控阵超声波检测(AUT)的技术原理,包括TOFD检测技术、相控阵技术以及分区扫查法。重点介绍了检测系统及调试过程。通过对实际检测结果的分析可见,AUT技术在大壁厚长输管道环焊缝和海底管道的检测方面优势独特,如检测速度快、对面积性缺陷检出率高、缺陷定位准确和显示直观等,因此具有广泛的应用前景;但同时AUT技术具有不适用于手工焊打底或手工焊焊缝、试块制备以及调试过程复杂、指导标准欠缺和设备昂贵等局限。


      Abstract: The principles of automatic ultrasonic testing technique (AUT) for pipeline welding were briefly introduced, including TOFD technology, phased array technology, and regional scanning method. The detection system and adjusting process was focused on. Based on the analysis of the actual testing results, AUT technology has shown great advantages in such as the testing speed, detection rate of area defect, accurate positioning and intuitive displaying, for the testing of long distamce pipeline with thick wall and the cross harbour turnel, and therefore has a broad application prospect. On the other hand, however, the AUT is not fit to manual welding primer or manual welding seam, and is showing some shortcomings such as high requirements for block, complex adjusting process, lack of guiding standards and expensive cost and so on.


