

    Application of Thermosonic for Crack Detection

    • 摘要: 材料表面和表面下浅层裂纹的检测对金属承力结构十分重要。热超声是一种新型的无损检测技术。该技术使用超声能量激励材料裂纹并用红外热像仪探测该裂纹。对飞机前起落架旋转臂试件进行的多次试验,证明此方法对金属裂纹的检测是有效的。


      Abstract: It is very important for metal load-carrying structure in detecting the cracks on the surface or subsurface of material. The thermosonic method is a new nondestructive testing technology. The technology combines ultrasonic energy to excite a crack in a material with infrared thermography to detect the crack. The results of a series of experiments on airplane nose gear rotating arm show that the technology is an effective method.


