Reliability Research in Eddy Current Testing for Distinguishing Defects Signal of the Steam Generator Heat Exchanger Tubes
摘要: 利用数值计算的方法, 通过对涡流检验区域存在多缺陷的传热管道模型进行模拟及计算, 获得了缺陷不同间距、深度与复合信号响应的幅值及相位的变化关系, 以此分析对缺陷进行深度定量的可靠性并归纳多缺陷信号的判定依据, 从而提高涡流检验的效果与精度。Abstract: Numerical calculation method is used in simulating and calculating the heat exchanger model in which exists defects in the area of ECT(eddy current testing), the transform relations have been obtained between phase and extent for composite signal under different space and depth of defects. The reliability of quantitative depth for defects is then analyzed and it is concluded that the estimate basis of detection, the efficiency and precision of ECT can be improved.