

    Design of 8-Channel Ultrasonic Testing System Software

    • 摘要: 介绍了一种八通道超声波探伤系统软件设计方案。嵌入式软件基于嵌入式Linux和Qt/Embedded开发,采用了层次化和模块化的设计思想。重点研究该软件系统实现的若干关键技术:利用Linux异步通知和Qt的用户事件机制,实现了驱动程序到应用程序八通道实时数据传输;利用FPGA运算与应用软件处理相结合,实现八通道实时声光报警;利用Qt的文件类库和Linux的系统调用,实现探伤文件系统等。系统运行正常,各项指标符合设计要求,性能测试表明该方案合理可行。


      Abstract: A software solution of 8-channel ultrasonic testing system is presented in this paper. The embedded software system is based on embedded Linux and Qt/Embedded, using hierarchical design and modular design. The study of this paper places emphasis on the key technologies of software system. The 8-channel real-time data transfer from kernel space to user space is realized by Linux asynchronous notification and Qt custom event. The 8-channel real-time audio and shining alarming system is realized by the combination of FPGA and application software. The file system is realized by the file class library of Qt and system calls of Linux, etc. The software system runs well, all performance indexes meet the requirements. Testing results show the design is reasonable and feasible.


