

    Effect of Welding Residual Stress for Ultrasonic Testing Echo of Fillet Weld

    • 摘要: 通过对角焊缝超声波检测实践中发现的异常信号进行理论分析与试验验证, 证实焊接应力对超声波在钢工件中的传播特性产生影响, 由此正确判断检测信号来源, 评价检测结果, 并提出了几点值得深思与研究的问题。


      Abstract: After theoretical analysis of the abnormal echo in ultrasonic testing of fillet weld, and practical confirmation, verified that welding residual stress influenced the transmission characteristic of ultrasonic waves in steel, thus the cause of the abnormal echo was correctly judged and the testing result was exactly evaluated. It was point out several problems shall be serious and be studied intensively.


