

    Finite Element Simulation of Stress-magnetization Effect for High-speed Rail PD3

    • 摘要: 如何准确地检测出无缝钢轨中由温度应力带来的应力集中及缺陷,是铁道部门有待解决的难题。应用有限元分析软件ANSYS构建出PD3型高铁钢轨试样及其周围空气层的有限元模型,对其在地磁场中拉伸试验的力磁效应进行模拟,得到不同载荷下应力的分布图及其漏磁场的分布情况。通对分析,并将模拟结果与磁记忆理论及试验进行对比,得出受载荷后缺陷附近磁场的分布特征,为高铁磁探伤的机理研究和应用提供依据。


      Abstract: How to accurately monitor the stress-concentration and fault of high-speed rail caused by temperature stress is an unsolved problem for a long time. The model for the rail and ambient air was constructed with the software of ANSYS based upon finite element analysis(FEA), and was used to analyze the stress-magnetization effect on the rail under the geomagnetic field. The distributions of stress and magnetic flux leakage under different load were given. From the comparative analysis on the simulation results and the experimental ones obtained from the magnetic memory methods, the distribution of magnetic field in the vicinity of the defect by load was given, providing useful information for the mechanism research and application of high-speed rail magnetic flaw detection.


