Damage Monitoring for Full-Scale Aircraft Statics Test Based on Acoustic Emission
摘要: 声发射技术在飞机结构无损检测中的运用日益广泛,对声发射技术的发展现状、定位原理进行了介绍,并运用声发射技术完成了某型机全尺寸静强度试验的损伤监测.通过对采集的幅度、能量等信号参数进行分析,及时发现了飞机某部位结构的损伤.结果表明,声发射技术在飞机静强度试验损伤监测中可及时捕捉裂纹的形成和扩展过程,对发现金属结构损伤具有一定优势,可避免造价高昂的飞机在试验过程中发生大的结构性破坏,从而为飞机结构的损伤容限设计提供参考.Abstract: More applications of Acoustic Emission (AE) have been implemented in structure health monitoring of aircraft.In this paper,the development and orientation principium of AE were introduced,then damage monitoring during static test of a full-scale aircraft was carried out.Through analyzing the parameters of AE,structural damage in some area was caught.The result shows that AE has advantages in damage monitoring for full-scale aircraft static test,it could avoid severe structural damages for expensive aircraft during statics test,and provide reference for damage tolerance design of airplanes.