

    The Differences and Relations of RadiographicTesting Between ASME Code and JB/T4730.2-2005

    • 摘要: 为了方便检测人员对ASME标准射线篇的理解及应用,通过对ASME与JB/T 4730.2-2005二者标准的几方面内容进行比较分析,总结出ASME与JB/T 4730标准在各方面规定内容上的区别与联系,并进一步分析它们在实际检测工作中的实用性。分析发现ASME标准在具体的透照技术细节方面规定不全面,它的实施更取决于检测人员的资质能力,而JB/T 4730标准各方面内容规定较详细,检测者更加容易理解及正确应用。


      Abstract: In order to the user can better understand and utilize ASME code, reducing the difficult in understanding the ASME code, the paper studies the differences and relations of the two codes, summarized regulations that can be inter-referenced between the two codes, and further analysed the availability in the testing work. Finding that the exposured technique specified in the ASME code are incomplete, mostly depending on the inspectors ability. However, the JB/T 4730 code is complete so that the inspector can better understand and correctly applied.


