

    Ultrasonic Testing of the T-Shaped Root of Turbine Blade by Longitudinal Wave

    • 摘要: 汽轮机的叶片是汽轮机的主要部件, 而叶片叶根的完整性关系到机组的安全稳定运行。为了检测T型叶根的完整性, 利用有限元计算软件对T型叶根的受力状况进行分析, 从而判定T型叶根的应力集中部位, 确定超声导波重点检查的位置。并且利用超声波探伤原理和自行设计的小角度微型纵波斜探头, 提出利用超声纵波对汽轮机T型叶根进行检测的方法, 并进行了试验分析, 证明汽轮机T型叶根的超声纵波检测是一种较为理想的探伤方法。


      Abstract: Turbine blades are the main turbine components, the integrity of whose roots are related to the safe and stable operation of the unit. In order to test the integrity of the T-shaped leaves roots, stress analysis of the T-shaped leaves roots was performed by the finite-element computing software to define the location of the stress concentration and the ultrasound examination. The ultrasonic testing method on the T-shaped Root of Turbine Blade was put forward with law detection principle of ultrasonic, and through the self-designed micro longitudinal wave angle probe been self-designed, the experimental analysis was carried out. It was concluded that the ultrasonic testing method of the T-shaped Root of Turbine Blade by longitudinal ware was ideal.


