

    Detection of Residual Stress and Damage of Metal Specimen Using Metal Magnetic Memory Method

    • 摘要: 利用磁记忆效应对铁磁性金属构件的残余应力和微损伤进行检测和评估,是较有潜力的无损检测新方法。在自行设计的拉伸加载装置上对45号钢制成的拉伸试件进行了试验研究。通过对试件表面磁场强度值、磁场强度梯度值和X射线衍射值的对比分析,说明了该方法的有效性,并从磁性物理学观点初步解释了该方法检测残余应力和微损伤的机理。


      Abstract: The method of metal magnetic memory is a new potential nondestructive testing method, which can be used to detect and estimate the residual stress and micro-damages of the ferromagnetic items. The samples of steel 45 are studied on the self-designed tension loading equipment. The effectiveness of the method is proved by the comparative analysis of the magnetic intensity, the gradient of the magnetic intensity and the value of X-rays diffraction on the samples surface. The mechanism that the method detects the residual stress and micro-damages is preliminary explained on the point of the magnetic physics.


