

    Magnetic Testing of a Safety State for a Defect Sensitive Structure

    • 摘要: 针对大跨度钢结构等缺陷敏感结构的主要受力和变形特点,利用磁化的应力敏感性,提出了铁磁构件在简单应力状态下的磁导率与其应力间关系的数学物理模型,得出了构件应力与其磁导率间的线性相关关系,并建立了大跨度钢结构等缺陷敏感结构安全状况磁性无损检测的基本理论和工程应用方法。验证了该理论的正确性,且所提出的工程应用方法是行之有效的,其具有一定的工程应用前景。


      Abstract: In the light of the main stressed characteristics for a long-span steel structure, according to the stress dependent magnetization, a mathematical physical model involving the change in the magnetic permeability and stress was put forward when the ferromagnetic components under the action of the simple stresses, and the linear dependency relation was obtained, then the basic theory and application method of the magnetic NDT testing of a safety state for a long-span defect sensitive seracture was proposed. Through the related tests, it proved validity of the theory, and the method was effective and feasible.


