

    About Aerospace NDT Personnel of Conforminty Certification

    • 摘要: 国际航空航天工业无损检测人员认证主要采用雇主认证体系, 按照NAS 410/EN 4179国际通行准则开展认证。NANDTB是国际准则中特许的认证机构, 开展航空航天无损检测人员符合性认证。为满足需要, 2006年中国航空航天无损检测认证部(NANDTB-CN)成立, 经过几年发展, 已建立完善体系并开展大量工作, 并初步得到国内外航空航天业认可。采用NANDTB-CN符合性认证, 可有效保证人员资格的国际认可, 能够降低成本及潜在风险, 有助于获得客户的信任和认可。


      Abstract: In the international aero-space and space industry, employee certification system is widely used for the NDT personnel certification and qualification. NANDTB is the certification and qualification board, it develops the qualification according with international standard NAS 410/EN 4179. In China, NANDTB-CN was built on 2006 for meeting with the requirement of qualification and certification need. The board has been recognized by main suppliers and primes. It is helpful for the companies to reduce cost and risk, to get the confidence and recognition of the custom.


