Selection and Test Analysis of Ultrasonic Testing Technology of Strut Porcelain Insulator
摘要: 在总结分析传统超声爬波法、横波法、普通直探头法、小角度纵波斜探头法和微型并联爬波法等几种常用的支柱瓷绝缘子超声波检测方法优缺点的基础上,通过试验分析了采用小角度纵波斜探头结合微型并联爬波探头对支柱瓷绝缘子进行超声波检测的工艺方法,确定了用该法对瓷绝缘子进行超声波检测的仪器、探头和试块的选用,探伤灵敏度和扫描速度的调整方法以及缺陷判定的原则。Abstract: Based on experimental results for conventional ultrasonic creeping wave, straight beam probe, small angle longitudinal wave, micro-paralleling creeping wave, an approach is proposed to select small angle longitudinal wave and micro-paralleling creeping wave to detect strut porcelain insulator. The choice of ultrasonic apparatus, probe and test block, the adjustment manner of working sensitivity and sweep speed, the principle of decision defect are presented.