

    Advanced NDT&E Techniques for Aero-materials and Structures in China

    • 摘要: 针对现代航空产品及其制造工艺等特点,结合航空材料结构工艺制造过程及缺陷成因与特征,以航空原材料、轻质金属结构和复合材料为例,通过对典型技术案例的研究与应用结果,介绍了先进航空材料和结构无损检测技术的新进展与应用,浅析了先进航空材料和结构无损检测现状与问题及发展趋势。分析指出,检测的灵敏度、分辨率、可靠性、可检性和充足的试验积累与验证是现代航空材料和结构无损检测技术的核心和应用基础,快速可靠、高灵敏度、高分辨率的可视化成像检测技术是今后先进航空材料和结构无损检测的重要发展方向。


      Abstract: This paper was focused on the review of advanced NDT&E techniques for aero-materials and structures (AMS) because of the increasingly much high importance of NDT&E and the developments and applications of new advanced AMS. The new progress and practical applications of advanced NDT&E techniques for aero-raw materials, light-weight metal structures and composite materials, etc., were summarized. Multi-channel ultrasonic automated scanning technique with high resolution is very effective for reliable NDT of aero-tubes. High resolution and high sensitivity ultrasonic method and PUDE provide powerful approaches for NDT&E of light-weight metal structures, such as solid state, electronic beam, TLP, braze and laser welded structures. The advanced automated ultrasonic scanning imaging technique, whose resolution and dead-zone can reach a single ply (approximately 0.125 mm), brings the very practical robust ability in fast NDT&E of aero-composite materials and large-scale structures. Its efficiency of NDT for large-scale structures can be increased 20 times compared with traditional single-channel ultrasonic scanning technique. The visual NDT&E techniques with high resolution, sensitivity, detectability and flexibility as well as reliability are the appreciate methods for aero-AMS at the present and in the future.


