

    The Hardware Processing Technique on the Echo Signal of Electromagnetic Acoustic Testing

    • 摘要: 在电磁超声检测(EMAT)中, 由于实际获得的检测信号成分复杂, 噪声和干扰比较强, 导致有用信号相对较弱, 而且有用信号和噪声信号的幅度基本重合, 信噪比和分辨率都较低。以钢管的电磁超声检测(EMAT)为例, 设计了一种对从电磁超声探伤仪获得的回波信号进行处理的方法, 从而减小噪声对信号的干扰, 提高信噪比和分辨率, 达到提高电磁超声检测效果的目的。实际工程项目中的应用证明, 提出的信号处理方法是必要的和有意义的, 并且检测效果良好。


      Abstract: During nondestructive testing by means of electromagnetic acoustic, the testing signal that actually acquired is very complicated, the noise and the interference is very high, so that the useful signal is very low, the amplitude of useful signal and noise signal is basically coincident, SNR and resolution is low. This paper took steel tube for example, designed a processing method on the echo signal that was gained from electromagnetic acoustic transducer. It diminished noise interference, improved SNR and resolution, and achieved the goal of enhancing the effect of electromagnetic acoustic testing. It was proven in practical engineering project that the above mentioned method was necessary and meaningful, and the testing effect was very good, too.


