

    Design and Manufacturing of Qualification Block(s) for Butt-Weld of Carbon Steel Process Piping in Automatic Ultrasonic Inspection

    • 摘要: 为推动自动超声波检测技术在碳钢工艺管线对接焊缝中的应用,替代传统的射线检测方法,需要在专业的评定试块上演示,验证工艺的可行性。而规范案例中只提出了评定试块的总体要求,没有具体指导如何加工制作。为了解决该问题,结合工程实际,设计并制作了人工反射体专用评定试块,验证了衍射时差法(TOFD)结合相控阵超声波检测法(PAUT)工艺的检测结果,对新工艺的应用起到了关键作用。


      Abstract: To accelerate application of automatic ultrasonic inspection in butt-weld of carbon steel process piping in lieu of conventional radiography, test procedure should be demonstrated on a professional qualification block(s) to perform acceptability. The code case with general requirements can not guide us how to manufacture the block(s) in detail. To solve the problems mentioned above, qualification block(s) was designed and manufactured as combined with engineering reality. It showed that with the help of qualification block(s), the technique consisting of time of flight diffraction(TOFD) combined with pulse-echo by means of Phased Array(PA) is feasible. The qualification block(s) played a key role in new technique application.


