

    Auto Ultrasonic Testing of the Micro Defects Close to the Surface in the T-Shaped Laser Welding Joint

    • 摘要: 给出了超声波自动检测过程中影响C扫描图像成像质量的各种参数,如探头的种类、水程、扫查灵敏度和闸门,并对设计和加工的模拟试件进行了超声水浸检测,获得焊缝中的模拟缺陷图像。与X射线照相图片对比结果表明,应用此方案检测T型钛合金激光焊缝时,可以发现在焊缝表面粗糙度较小的试件表面以下1.0~2.5 mm深处、直径>0.3 mm的缺陷。


      Abstract: The probability of pores produced in the laser welds are high when joining titanic alloy by Laser welding. The joint needs to be nondestructive tested for using in the aero fields. The parameters affecting C-scan image were given during the automatic ultrasonic inspection, such as the probe, the water path, amplitude, and the gate. The image of simulated pores in the welds was gained through testing the simulated sample and comparing with the radiograph. The experimental results showed that the defect, which was below surface with small roughness 1.0~2.5 mm depth and the diameter of which was bigger than 0.3 mm, could be found, when this testing process was used to detect the T-shape Ti alloy laser welding joint.


