

    A Novel System of Integrated Eddy Current Nondestructive Testing for Aviation

    • 摘要: 综合应用多种无损检测手段以提高检测概率(POD)是无损检测的研究热点,航空飞机的外场检测也对检测仪器的快速化、智能化、集成化和原位化提出了更高的要求。在提出了涡流无损检测通用原理层模型和功能层模型的基础上,介绍了一种新型集成涡流无损检测系统。该系统融合常规涡流、脉冲、ACFM、多频以及阵列涡流无损检测五种功能,采用双总线(PCI和I2C)实现系统的模块化、可重构的系统硬件体系架构,以虚拟仪器为设计指导思想,具备通用的硬件平台和软件资源配置功能。不仅具备单一的涡流检测能力和精度,还具有通用的数据处理接口和硬件平台,便于不同检测方法结果的深层次融合及处理,是真正意义上的集成涡流无损检测系统。


      Abstract: It is a hotspot to employ multiple nondestructive testing methods for enhancing the probability of detection; meanwhile, there are increasing requirements for the rapidity, intelligence and integration in in-situ aviation NDT. A novel integrated ECNDT system was developed based on the universal model of eddy current testing system in principle and function. The system has modularized and reconfigurable system architectures and employs dual-bus structure: PCI and I2C. It contains not only functions of PECT, general ECT, MFECT, ACFM and AECT, but also integration of mutiple ECNDT methods because of modularized and reconfigurable system hardware and uniform data interface.


