

    Phased Array Inspection of Nozzle Welds on Pressure Vessels of High Thickness

    • 摘要: 介绍欧洲国家按ASME规范案例2235的要求,对大厚度容器壳体与接管焊接接头采用超声相控阵检测的技术。突出相控阵灵活变角和动态聚焦的优点,强调验证试块、扫查器具和工艺评定的重要性,指出采用相控阵技术解决承压设备检测的优势和局限。


      Abstract: The new technology of phased array(PA) ultrasonic inspection adopted by European countries, in accordance with the requirements of ASME Code Case 2235, used for the nozzle welded joints on pressure vessels of high thickness was introduced. The importance of calibration blocks,scanning devices and procedure qualification, and the advantages of PA being able to change beam angles freely and focusing dynamically were emphasized. Finally, the benefits and limitations of applying PA technology to resolve some of difficult problems on NDE of pressure equipments were pointed out.


