

    The Reliability-Based Method to Estimate POD of Crack

    • 摘要: 裂纹检出概率(POD)曲线能够定量评价某种检测方法的裂纹检出能力, 而且也是飞机制造商制定飞机结构维修方案的基础。准确测定裂纹检出概率曲线对保证航空结构的安全具有重要的意义。基于可靠性理论确定了测定POD曲线所需要的试验数据点数量、每个试验中裂纹尺寸的大小、最少有效检测次数等, 给出了描述检测可靠性的裂纹检出概率曲线制定方法和程序。


      Abstract: The probability-of-detection curves can be used to evaluate the capability of a crack detection method, and it is also the foundation for aircraft manufacturers to establish structure maintenance program. The efficient estimation of POD curves for fatigue crack is significant to the safety of aeronautical structures. Based on the theory of reliability, the number of experimental points, the crack sizes of each specimen, and the minimum detection number are studied in this paper. The procedure for estimation of the POD curves which describe the reliability of detection is also presented.


