

    ANSYS Simulation Analysis on Compound Excitation Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing

    • 摘要: 复合励磁是一种有效的局部磁化方法,其能够根据储罐底板厚度的不同改变电磁线圈电流大小从而改变励磁强度,以满足不同厚度工件检测的需要,扩大检测范围。笔者所述复合励磁法是将直流线圈和永久磁铁作为励磁源,并应用ANSYS软件对复合励磁漏磁检测进行仿真分析,分析了缺陷深度尺寸、安匝数等影响缺陷漏磁信号的因素。仿真结果表明:随着缺陷深度或安匝数的增加,缺陷上方漏磁场强度有所增强。


      Abstract: Compound excitation is an effective magnetized method, which can change electromag-netic coil current size so as to change the intensity of excitation according to the thickness of tank bottom plate. The method can hence meet the needs of different thickness of the workpiece detection and expand the scope of the test. In this paper, the compound excitation puts DC coil and permanent magnet as its excitation source. ANSYS simulation analysis is carried out on the compound excitation magnetic flux leakage testing to analyze the defect depth size, the number of ampere turns, which is the influencing factors of defect magnetic flux leakage signal. Simulation results show that with the increase of defect depth or the number of ampere turns, the intensity of magnetic flux leakage above the defects also increases.


