

    The Experiment on Flexural Guided Waves in Stainless Steel Pipes

    • 摘要: 使用单探头激励法在管壁中激励弯曲模态的导波, 以频散曲线为切入点, 研究了弯曲模态导波在不锈钢管材中的传播规律以及对缺陷检测的可行性。根据频散曲线选定F(n, 3)及L(0, 2) 模态, 进而确定激励频率和入射角。得到弯曲模态导波可对> 1 mm(含 1 mm)的通孔进行有效检测的结论。


      Abstract: The flexural guided waves in pipe wall were excited by the single transducer excitation method. According to the dispersion curves, the propagation of flexural guided waves in stainless steel pipes and the feasibility of defect inspection were studied. F(n, 3)and L(0, 2) modes were chosen, then the exciting frequency and the incidence angle were determined. Under this experimental condition in the present work, it was concluded that via hole with the diameter larger than 1 mm(including 1 mm) could be effectively detected.


