

    Single Round-Multiple Scanning Method and TV(CG)-Block-ART Reconstruction Algorithm for Industrial CT

    • 摘要: 在高能工业CT系统中, 为了提高图像的空间分辨率, 常在探测器前加装栅格状准直器, 导致采样数据出现稀疏的情况。为此采用多次圆周多次扫描的方式, 但这又大大增加了扫描时间。为兼顾扫描速度和重建图像质量, 提出了一次圆周多次扫描的数据扫描方式并采用相应的重建算法, 数值模拟结果表明此方法在保证重建图像质量的同时提高了扫描速度。


      Abstract: In order to improve spatial resolution of reconstructed image, grid-shaped collimator usually was preinstalled on detector in high energy X-ray industrial CT system. However, the scanning data acquired under such circumstances was sparse. To solve this problem, multiple round-multiple scanning method was provided, but it greatly reduced the efficiency of data acquisition. Then, a single round-multiple scanning method and the corresponding iteration algorithm which was capable of taking into account scanning efficiency and reconstruction image quality was proposed. Numerical experimental results verified the effectiveness of this method.


